Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Gender of Nouns

1) Masculine gender refers to a male person or animal.

father, king, tailor, groom, rooster, stallion

Click here for more examples of masculine nouns with their corresponding feminine counterparts.

2) Feminine gender refers to a female person or animal.

mother, queen, dressmaker, bride, hen, mare

Click here for more examples of feminine nouns with their corresponding masculine counterpart.

3) Common gender refers to a person or animal that can be male or female.

parent, president, classmate, horse, dog,
nurse, mayor, neighbor, student, teacher,
artist, lawyer, press, dog, fish

4) Neuter gender refers to anything without life and, thus, can neither be male nor female.

building, sun, newspaper, book, pillow,
pencil, paper, scissors, school, bank,
bag, folder, eyeglasses, bed, house